Ok, so after working a 10 hour shift, I came home and worked on the projects. So tonight I started the earring holders project. Here are some pictures of my process.

First I gathered everything up, a couple old picture frames, some material, a staple gun, and some plastic canvas I bought a while back. Now, I'll warn you, these pictures aren't the best.

Next I cut the canvas and material to fit the frames and stapled it to the inside. I have some expierimenting to do with the type of material I use for these, I used some leftover nylon lining for this one.

After everthing seemed to be secure I flipped the frame over to trim the extra fabric. I couldn't wait to try them out! I ran in the other room and grabbed some earrings.
They look great! I still have a few to do, I got 2 frames done tonight. I might be a little late with my homework but I the results will be posted before Saturday morning. I don't get off at the old factory until 1:30am tomorrow night, then come right home and finish them up!