I got back from Mama's house earlier today, I used her digital camera to take some pictures of some fabric. Most of it is vintage, some is just recycled or leftover. When it gets daylight out again I will take better pictures (I was in a rush to get to work) and figure prices and post them. I need to find a box and weigh them up at work, one of the perks of working in the shipping and recieving dept of a factory. haha. It makes it so much easier to figure shipping prices!
I joined an Etsy team a couple weeks ago. The Etsy Beagle Street Team to be exact.
So I thought I'd show mine off a little.
This one's name is Missy.
She is a part beagle, part dalmation. It's crazy I know. She's very friendly, we've had her since a puppy. She thinks everyone that walks through our front door is there just to see her!
Here's Tessie.
She's the newest edition, a rescue. Our guess is that she is part beagle, part basset, beacuse she is shorter and longer than a true beagle. When we got her she was at Mostly Hounds Rescue. She's nervous around people most times. It takes her a while to warm up to anyone. I'm proud to say that I am her favorite person!