Tuesday, November 13, 2007

News and weekend plans.

Today I got some news. At work, they had a sign-up to participate in a holiday craft bizarre! I can’t wait! I talked to the person in charge, Celeste. They want to see if enough people are interested before giving any details on the matter. I’ve never done any sort of craft show or anything so I’m looking forward to it. I’m just glad I get to start out in a place I’m comfortable with, with people I’m comfortable with. I asked my boyfriends grandma, Joann, to let me take a few of her earrings to try to sell them for her. She's helped me a lot with pricing, and she's always a great person to go to with a new project. One of these days she's going to teach me to crochet and knit!

In other news, I started messing around with some beads and some earring findings. This is only the beginning. I’m officially hooked. Here are some of the things I came up with. I’m still too new to the craft to even think of listing them on Etsy, but I’ll get better, I can feel it.

The official candle making date is set with Mama and cousin Vikki, next Saturday. I have many new things to try out and many old ideas to perfect. After I’ve put the finishing touches on them they will be available in my Etsy store.

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